Ouachita school district is requesting a waiver from A.C.A. 6-10-106, which establishes the first allowable day of class as the Monday of the week that contains August 19. For the 2024-2025 school year we would appreciate approval for the early start date giving OSD the equity afforded to Charter Schools.
The specific waiver being requested is to allow us to set our individual district's first day of class to be "no earlier than Monday, August 12."
The law as presently constructed results in a wide swing in the allowable opening date of school. At the earliest, it can be August 14, which was the case this year— fall of 2023. The latest possible first day is August 20 which, under the law will be — the fall of 2029. This waiver would allow the school to open next year and years to follow on the same relative date as this year.
The advantages of this waiver are several:
• The fall and spring semesters would be closer to the same length. Without this waiver, the fall semester will be 84 days while the spring semester will be 94 days, a difference of 10 days. With the waiver the fall semester will be 91 days and the spring semester 87 days, a difference of only 4 days. The more unbalanced the semesters are, the greater the issue for classes that are one semester in length.
• The alternative solution for unbalanced semesters is to not end the fall semester until after Christmas break. This results in final exams shortly after two weeks out of school, and the possibility of exams being repeatedly postponed due to winter weather.
• This waiver will give greater assurance of school ending in late May rather than extending into June. Some research indicates a decrease in learning past the Memorial Day Holiday.
• Beginning school earlier automatically results in more days of instruction before spring testing. More days of instruction will result in increased learning and higher test scores,
• Activities such as sports will begin next fall on the same relative date as they did this fall, with or without the waiver. Therefore, a large number of students will already be on campus to practice and prepare for their activities, regardless of the opening date of school. In addition to students who play sports, this would include students who participate in groups such as band, cheer, Student Council, and Beta, as well as others.
Please contact us with any questions or comments.
Larry Newsom, Superintendent