In an effort to keep our students safe, our SRO Eric Fain, received and distributed National Child Identification Program cards from Attorney General Tim Griffin to all of our elementary students. For more information or additional ID kits visit
The National Child ID Program has distributed over 70 million inkless in-home child id kits since its founding following Amber Hagerman’s disappearance in 1997.
These inkless kits do not enter a database and a stored at home by parents, providing them with a gift of safety they hopefully never have to use.
The kits take two minutes to complete and allow parents to safely store in their own home the vast majority of their child’s vital information should law enforcement ever need it.
Why should we fingerprint our children?
Up to 1,000 children go missing in the United States everyday. Yet, when the National Child Identification Program began; less than two percent of parents had a copy of their child’s fingerprints to use in case of an emergency.
The National Child Identification Program is a community service safety initiative dedicated to changing these statistics, by providing parents and guardians, with a tool they can use to help protect their children. The ID Kit allows parents to collect specific information by easily recording the physical characteristics, fingerprints and DNA of their children on identification cards that are then kept at home by the parent or guardian. If ever needed, this ID Kit gives authorities vital information to assist their efforts to locate a missing child.
Since its inception in 1997, the National Child ID Program has distributed over 70 million kits throughout North America. The program has been recognized by Congress and today works with federal, state, and local leaders, coaches, athletes, faith-based organizations, and corporate citizens to increase the safety of children in communities across the country.